How to Add Humor to your Presentation & Speeches
Feb 09, 2023
Hey! Hey! Here we go with some additional thoughts on how to add the funny to your speeeches or presentation.
Adding humor to a speech or presentation doesn't happen just by chance. Very few people can wake in the morning and say "I'm going to write a humorous speech today" and then do it. Very few people have the skills of a Woody Allen or Dave Barry and indeed I would venture to suggest, even they are unlikely to write a funny piece in one day, that they are happy with.
Adding Humor to your Speech and Presentation doesn't happen just because you want it to happen.
Here, I was speaking to a sales group but the same logic applies to you as you wish to add humor to your presentation.
Over coming blogs, I will provide you with a number of tools for Adding Humor to your Presentation.
These Include:
- A Commitment to finding / writing / capturing humor.
- A quill and parchment (OK, a pen / notepad) - always, always at your side. PS. A phone is even better!
- Your senses e.g. Eyes / Ears. The more you see and hear that puts a smile on your face, the more likely it is that you have material to add humor to your speech or presentation.
FREE: 53 Humorous Quotes & Flubs you can use in any presentation
Let's Look at Tool #1 to Add Humor to your Presentation
The very first and most important tool is Commitment. Adding humor will not happen by chance. I'll assume you are reading this because you want to add humor to an upcoming speech or presentation. The idea is cool. YAAY! Now you have to make it happen, so let's commit to it.
I would ask you to commit in an even more visceral manner. So!
Let's pause here for a moment, take a deep breath and say slowly, methodically and with feeling - - - - - "I will make a genuine and consistent effort to add humor to my presentations."
You can say this slowly, methodically and with feeling or you can say LOUD and PROUD - "I will make a genuine and consistent effort to add humor to my presentations." Loud and Proud, but say it, repeat it and commit to it.
Let's go further. Get out that pen and paper beside you and write "I will make a genuine and consistent effort to add humor to my presentations."
I encourage you to do this because the journey to adding humor takes some discipline and regular activity. If you make this Commitment AND keep to it, my promise is that very shortly, people will be saying to you "I loved your presentation. It was engaging, informative and very funny. Well done."
Because you obviously followed through on your commitment by using some of the tips, tricks and techniques on how to add some funny to your speech in upcoming blogs.
Hope you find these blogs helpful. Stay safe and ...........
Keep On, Keepin' ON!
Learn more about Adding Humor to your Presentation
Blog written by an Irishman, happily exiled in Chicago. Conor Cunneen is IrishmanSpeaks whose objective as a business keynote speaker and business humorist is to leave his audience with a smile on the face, a spring in the step and memorable actionable takeaways to improve the world just a little bit each day.
He hopes the ideas here will help you to write a funny speech or presentation and leave your audience with that smile on the face.
More Blogs on Adding Humor to your Speech and Presentation.
Connecting with your audience through laughter
Adding Humor to your Presentation
How to Add Humor to your Presentation & Speeches
More Ways to Add Humor to your Speech
L.A.U.G.H. - The Formula for Adding Humor to your Presentation
LISTEN - Step 1 in Adding Humor to your Presentation
A Good Anecdote Helps Add Humor to a Speech or presentation
Adding Humor to Presentation via Uncomfortable Stories
Interested in a very useful resource to Add Humor to your Presentation?
Get: 53 Humorous Quotes & Flubs you can use in any presentation
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