More Ways to Add Humor to your Speech
Feb 09, 2023
In the previous blog, I suggested that THE most important step you can take to add humor to your presentation is Commitment to doing so. It is highly unlikely that you will know how to write a funny speech without some commitment to planning and doing it.
Once you have made a promise to yourself that I will commit to the process of adding humor to your speech, here are a few other tools that you will need.
FREE: 53 Humorous Quotes & Flubs you can use in any presentation
Eyes & Ears!
"Huh!" I hear you say! The overarching premise when I teach on how to add the funny to a presentation is that you don't have to create humor (although you can), especially if you CAPTURE the humor that you see / hear / experience around you every day.
If you see something that makes you laugh - CAPTURE it.
If you hear something that makes you laugh - CAPTURE it.
If you say something that makes others smile or laugh - CAPTURE it
If your kids / friends / colleagues say something that makes you laugh, you got it .... CAPTURE it.
Quill / Parchment or similar!
"Huh!" I hear you say again. OK, maybe there are better options open to you today to CAPTURE what you see see / hear / experience around you. I don't care whether you chase the turkey around to get a quill, or you go to Walmart to purchase a notepad and pen or even go to your Apple store to purchase an iPad, iPhone or some other amazing device, the critical thing is that you have some consistent method to CAPTURE, CAPTURE, CAPTURE.
For more on Adding Humor to your Presentation or Speech
In today's world, the phone is probably the device that never leaves our side. Why, some people have even been knows to bring it into the "powder room" while making a deposit at the porcelain bank! OMG!! And let's be honest, if you feel you can be creative while sitting on the throne, using your phone seems slightly less yucky than carrying a pen and notepad in!!
Bottom line (I wrote that without seeking to pun) is that it is critical to have a consistent, reliable method to CAPTURE what you see, hear, experience. Once you get into the habit of doing this, you will build a bank of fun ideas / thoughts that will be useful as you add humor to your speeches.
The reference I made to Quill / Parchment reminds me of a limerick I wrote about the Books of Kells in my book For the Love of Being Irish which highlights some issues that might arise with quill and parchment.
Brother Patrick, Brother Patrick – Good Heaven!
There’s a typo on page one eleven
Though your arms in a splint
We'll still need to reprint
Says our Brother Superior, Big Kevin
For more on Adding Humor to your Presentation or Speech
Hope you find these blogs helpful. Stay safe and ...........
Keep On, Keepin' ON!
Learn more about Adding Humor to your Presentation
Blog written by an Irishman, happily exiled in Chicago. Conor Cunneen is IrishmanSpeaks whose objective as a business keynote speaker and business humorist is to leave his audience with a smile on the face, a spring in the step and memorable actionable takeaways to improve the world just a little bit each day.
He hopes the ideas here will help you to write a funny speech or presentation and leave your audience with that smile on the face.
More Blogs on Adding Humor to your Speech and Presentation.
Connecting with your audience through laughter
Adding Humor to your Presentation
How to Add Humor to your Presentation & Speeches
More Ways to Add Humor to your Speech
L.A.U.G.H. - The Formula for Adding Humor to your Presentation
LISTEN - Step 1 in Adding Humor to your Presentation
Interested in a very useful resource to Add Humor to your Presentation?
Get: 53 Humorous Quotes & Flubs you can use in any presentation
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