L.A.U.G.H. - The Formula for Adding Humor to your Presentation.
Feb 10, 2023
The funny thing about Adding Humor to your Presentation is that to do it properly, you have to be serious about the process. Indeed, there is an old adage "Dying is easy, comedy is hard" which is reputed to have been said by among others, Groucho Marx, Will Rogers, Stan Laurel and many others.
It hardly matters who said it and while an extreme view of the art of comedy, there is a nugget of truth in it. Even the very best comedians consistently work on humor development. Just days before she sadly passed away following a minor surgery that went tragically wrong, Joan Rivers had been onstage at a small comedy club in New York honing her material.
As we are speaking about humor in your speeches and presentations rather than pure comedy, no one expects you to spend night after night at comedy clubs for open mics.
But you definitely will benefit from a disciplined process as you insert appropriate and relevant humor to your speeches or presentation.
FREE: 53 Humorous Quotes & Flubs you can use in any presentation
Let me explain a humor development model that I have created that will help you bring the funny to your speech. As indicated in previous blogs, my belief is that for most people, it is much easier to CAPTURE humor rather than trying to create it.
So let’s introduce this model by asking a question.
I am looking for a five letter word as answer to “If I say something that I belief is funny, what are you likely to do?”
NO! The five letter word is not “Groan.”
If what I say is funny, you are likely to laugh which leads me to the model for humor development that just amazingly happens to spell the acronym L.A.U.G.H.
I mean what are the chances of that!!
Each letter of L.A.U.G.H. provides an excellent lesson - which if you consistently implement - WILL help you to achieve your objective of Adding Humor to your Presentation.
In forthcoming blogs, we will dive into the power of L.A.U.G.H.
You will learn the power of:
L = Listen
A = Anecdote
U = Uncomfortable
G = Google
H = Hee Hee Hee to Ho Ho Ho
When you follow the L.A.U.G.H. formula to make 'em laugh, I promise you will see numerous smiling faces in your audience which means an engaged audience which means ............... an audience that is paying attention to your message.
Your Blogger is IrishmanSpeaks - Conor Cunneen
Hi, I'm an Irishman happily exiled in Chicago where the Guinness is good (VERY important) the natives are friendly and I have been force-fed more corned beef and green beer than I ever had in Ireland. 'That's no joke,' he said while writing a blog on adding humor to a speech or presentation.
I primarily earn a crust as a humorous, motivational, business speaker who provides good content interspersed with large dollops of humor, designed to ensure a better connection with my audience.
The author of this blog came into this world sometime in the last century in the lovely city of Cork, Ireland. This is the reason why he has an Irish brogue! At his birth, neither parent envisaged that Conor would someday write a blog on Adding Humor to your Presentation.
More Blogs on Adding Humor to your Speech and Presentation.
Connecting with your audience through laughter
Adding Humor to your Presentation
How to Add Humor to your Presentation & Speeches
More Ways to Add Humor to your Speech
L.A.U.G.H. - The Formula for Adding Humor to your Presentation
LISTEN - Step 1 in Adding Humor to your Presentation
A Good Anecdote Helps Add Humor to a Speech or presentation
Adding Humor to Presentation via Uncomfortable Stories
Interested in a very useful resource to Add Humor to your Presentation?
Get: 53 Humorous Quotes & Flubs you can use in any presentation
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